Monday, February 18, 2013

Excellent Blog Monetization Ideas So You Can Make Some Cash

By Kayla Milliway

Every Internet Marketer understands that blogging is an integral part of building their business. Some businesses are built completely around blogs by their owners. Blogs can generate an excellent income, which should be kept in mind, even if your blog is simply for brand building and relationship strengthening with your customers. There are lots of different ways to monetize a blog and in this article we are going to teach you about a few of the different things you can do to bring in some extra money.

Besides other advertising you have posted on your site, you can also throw up some ads for products you created. You can generate more sales of your own products using this approach. Putting up posts covering your own services and products is only normal every now and again. Whether or not you are opting to feature something on a particular day, by having advertising in your sidebar you have a good chance of making a sale every time someone comes to visit your site. You can also attract more advertisers this way because they will believe the space is worth advertising on because other people already have.

Request sponsorship for your posts. One of the easiest ways to earn money with your blog is to get people to sponsor individual posts. The easiest way to do this is to set up your posts with a footer that mentions a "sponsored by" then the company's name and a link to their brand page. If they are willing to pay extra, you can even permit them to include a graphic in that space. For people who want to talk to you about sponsoring your posts, you can set up a dedicated contact form somewhere on your blog. Even if it takes a while to decide on a price you can charge, by posting regularly you will increase the opportunities available to you when it comes to generating some cash from your blog.

You can also monetize the RSS feed of your blog. If you haven't created an RSS feed for your blog then you need to do it right away. The majority of people take advantage of RSS readers to see what new articles are being posted on blogs nowadays because of convenience and excellent portability across numerous devices. Some of the large advertising networks offer RSS monetization and have been doing so for a while.

Post text ads on your sidebars. Your earnings should be around the same level, even if text ads don't generate as much money but you can get more of them in the same amount of space. A text ad is easier to sell-the low asking price is very attractive to people who might not be sure about buying a full sized graphic ad on your site. Generally, text ads go for around ten dollars a month for an average blog. If your blog is very popular, you will probably be able to get a little more for them. You can fit two or three text ads in the same space a single graphic takes up which means you are likely to make money. There are so many different ways to bring in money through your blog. The majority of people put up Google Ads and feel it's enough but a little creativity will reveal many more solutions out there. Monetizing your blog has many benefits including the fact that you can promote other endeavors while you earn a little extra cash. This is a situation in which everyone wins.

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