Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The 2 Rules To Finding Your Ideal Home Business Opportunity

By Russell Howe

As many people find out each day, discovering how to become your own boss isn't as simple as jumping into the first home business opportunity you see and then hoping for the best. You must find something which fits both your ambition and your personality. Today we will help you to decide whether you are more suited to an Empower Network, Avon, Mary Kay or perhaps something a little less established.

There is no home business opportunity which holds all the aces. Different programs offer different things. Of course, when reading the advertisements you will be told that it's the one you have been waiting for.

What you will find when you arrive on the home business scene is that you are greeted with various opportunities, all of which represent different niches and offer very different paths as an affiliate. Most people who are looking to begin making money online are too blinded by their initial excitement to make this decision with the time and care it requires. It is a crucial part of your development into a full time entrepreneur.

Sure, every opportunity you come across might tell you it's the one you have been waiting to discover. After all, that is their job. They want you to choose their company over their competitors. Much like when you are working a an affiliate and you will do exactly the same thing in order to attract people to you as a sponsor. It's up to you, however, to possess the level headedness to make the best decision. []

Two answers will help you to get started in the right way:

1) What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Do you have a hobby you wished you could have done more with?

2) What type of earnings opportunity are you more attracted to?

The first question may seem rather odd, but it is easily the most important factor in choosing the best work from home opportunity. The main reason most people decide to get involved in an online business is that they dislike their existing job. They want to do something they enjoy for a living, something they can physically control, rather than doing something merely for a pay check. Bear thing in mind when looking at which affiliate program you wish to work alongside.

There is an opportunity for almost every niche. Take some time to write down the things you would like to represent as an affiliate in an ideal situation, then this will help you when you go looking for a company to work with in the future. Too many people make the foolish mistake of joining a new business purely because they like the compensation plan it offers. If you have no interest in the company or the products, this will show in your work and you will also lose interest very quickly when the going gets tough.

How many affiliates do you see promoting an opportunity as if it is the greatest thing they have ever seen, only to be promoting something completely different two weeks later? Too many! This is why.

Much like love, you will know when you have found the right one for you. You won't want to be involved in anything else. Those who are purely in a business to make money tend to appear vert shot term and often promote the false idea of getting rich quick. When you watch somebody who has found their ideal business you can clearly see why they are successful, they have a contagious excitement for what they do for a living, which attracts others who share similar interests. [
Watch as Russ Howe tells us how be built a primary income using the empower network affiliate business from home.

The second part of choosing the best home business is the affiliate program. You'll generally see 2 different approaches to this subject. Those with a sales background who are quite good at directly selling products will favor an affiliate program which goes down that road, whereas others will appreciate a team building approach. Direct sales plans will always pay you more income per sale, but the task of making it work is entirely on your shoulders. Team building systems will pay you significantly less, although you do enable to ability to collect a commission each time your referrals build their own business, too. Providing you can attract people who are as serious as you are, a team build program can also be quite lucrative. The matter of 'which is better' is a matter of individual taste and most companies try to incorporate aspects of both while striving to make their affiliate plan unique.

It is quite difficult to learn how to become your own boss without making mistakes along the way, so don't be too hard on yourself if you make incorrect choices sometimes. This is how you learn. One man's Empower Network may be another man's Avon, so take your time to write down what you are actually looking for before you jump into a serious business.

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