Monday, April 22, 2013

Why People Don't Earn Passive Income Online When They Are Otherwise Creative, Motivated, And Smart

By Eric Henderson

If you want to earn passive income online, you'll definitely want to pay attention to what I have to say in this article.

Let me ask you a question. Do you constantly feel like you are being thrown a life preserver that is deflated - one after another, just so you can stay afloat and 'survive'? Or maybe you are having lots of success, but are just not able to reach the next level.

Whether you've been successful or not up to this point, there is one main truth for everyone: the economy and the environment that we live in is in a constant state of change. And maybe you feel like you can't adapt fast enough to keep up, right?

I understand completely. I have been there, and it was a very painful process. Let me share a little wisdom with you.

Simplicity is key. You must determine what are the absolute essential elements to your success, and "throw away" the rest. Now don't quote me exactly here, but Einstein and Newton said it best:

"There are no conflicts in nature. Everything is immensely simple. There is no competition, only cooperation."

When you observe and absorb the lessons that nature teaches you about how things work together, you'll see how simple it really is to become successful, and to live a happy, fulfilled life. The only thing that really creates complications and confusion for anyone is simply a lack of knowledge, understanding, and perspective. This applies to everything in life - including business.

To earn passive income online is the dream of many wise, creative, motivated and smart, folks today. So, why then do so many of them (maybe even you), get so off track? Lots of reasons really. In fact, it is much more common than you may think. You are not alone.

Let's take a step back for a second. Human beings, at their core, are fundamentally concerned with their ability to grow, learn, and expand - just like the rest of nature. Some - some more than others - are driven to reach a balance of success, happiness, and fulfillment.

Entrepreneurs, and those with the 'preneur spirit in them are no exception. In fact, we may have just a little more spark in us than the 'rest' of the world!

You know, I understand less and less the older I get and the more I learn. Know the line, "The more you learn, the less you know"? Boy is that the truth. But the number one reason most people get off track is:

There is a direct relationship between how you think and what you do. In other words, your inner game vs. your outer game. This "Inner Game vs. Outer Game" balance is very delicate.

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